Biohacking Energy Production: MTE’s® Adaptogens vs Ketones

6 Minute Read

Table of Contents

  1. Comparing Ketones and MTE®
  2. How Ketones vs MTE® Work
  3. Benefits of Ketones and MTE®
  4. Types of Ketones vs MTE’s Adaptogens 
  5. Ketone Supplements vs MTE® Pricing
  6. Other Highlights of Ketones and MTE®


Ketones vs MTE: Complementary Methods to Boost Wellness

With the popularization of non-medical keto diets came ketone products, meant to help get the body into that elusive state of ketosis, where you’re just burning fat instead of glucose. People achieve this through intermittent fasting and cutting all carbs, while focusing on proteins and fats. 


It is thought that getting your body into a state of ketosis offers an array of health benefits, one of which is more energy that comes as a byproduct of optimizing the body’s vital systems. Sounds a lot like adaptogens, right? That’s where MTE comes in. Utilizing adaptogens for the same purpose as many use ketones, MTE offers complete support for your body’s systems in order to hack your body back into balance.


Let’s take a closer look at how ketones and MTE function, compare and contrast, and how they help support a healthy lifestyle:


How it Works

How Ketones & Adaptogens Promote Natural Energy Production

MTE harnesses the power of adaptogens to resist the effects of environmental stress on the brain and body. As well, nootropics support mood, recovery and cognitive function. Adaptogens and nootropics are plant-sourced compounds that have bioactive effects on the body. Adaptogens, especially, are wide-ranging, with any given adaptogen potentially acting on multiple systems throughout the body. 


The multifaceted nature of adaptogens is what makes them so useful in green drinks and health products; supplementing with even just a couple adaptogens can promote everything from heart health to physical performance and recovery to inflammation and immunity. 


Adaptogens are thought to modulate neuronal signaling and its byproducts to promote stress resilience and recovery, which frees up the body to get itself back into homeostasis. It follows that this leads to better mood, less stress, more energy, and just overall feeling awesome without having to mainline caffeine-laden energy drinks.


Ketones, on the other hand, are an alternative fuel source to glucose. Your liver produces them when your body breaks down fats. Ketones are a more efficient energy source than glucose, so increase your metabolism.


The benefits of ketones are thought to be a result of the body having an extra energy source that it can function well on when glucose levels are low. As a result, people with some chronic illnesses might be prescribed the medical keto diet and/or ketone supplements. 



What’s the Payout? Benefits of Ketones & MTE

So, what do we have to gain from adding ketones to our diet? Same question for MTE? Let’s break it down:


The Pros & Cons of Ketones

Some advantages of using ketones to support the ketosis process include:


  • Better metabolism: Ketones are 10% more efficient than glucose.
  • Decreased inflammation: Ketones suppress inflammatory molecules.
  • Better cognitive function: Ketones may improve cognition in people with dementias and other cognitive deficits.
  • Blood sugar regulation: Ketones may help reduce insulin resistance.
  • Reduced cancer risk: Ketones may reduce cancer risk by starving cells of glucose. Cancer cells rely heavily on glucose to survive and proliferate.


On the other hand, ketone toxicity is a real risk, which is why you should always consult with a doctor before starting a keto diet and/or using ketone supplements – no matter how healthy you think you are. Too many ketones can cause kidney stones, dehydration, diabetic ketoacidosis, and the keto flu – though that one will pass; it just sucks while you have it.


The Advantages of Adaptogens

One huge pro to adaptogens is that (so far as we know) they are largely safe even in very high doses. Though, like anything, people who are pregnant, breastfeeding, on medications, or have pre-existing conditions should consult with a medical professional before supplementing with anything, even if it’s as safe as adaptogens seem to be.


The stress-fighting mechanisms through which the adaptogens in MTE affect the body offer a wide range of energy-boosting benefits that can work synergistically with ketones, if that’s your vibe. Our blend of adaptogens and nootropics supports:


  • Immune function – via antioxidant activity and reducing oxidative stress
  • Inflammation response – via antioxidant activity and anti-inflammatory compounds
  • Focus – via amino acid and neurotransmitter support for cognitive function
  • Mood – via suppressing overexcited neurons and promoting calming, restorative neurotransmitters
  • Stress – via regulating the activity of the brain's stress adaptation axis
  • Recovery – via promotion of GABA and suppression of pro-stress signalers


All this adds up to a mind-body balance on a biological level, which means the feel-good energy you experience with adaptogen supplements is not only natural and healthy, but sustainable and long-term.


(Learn more: Adaptogens: A New Name for Some Very Old Medicinal Herbs)



Types of Ketones vs MTE’s Adaptogen Formulation

In general, there are three types of ketones:


  • Acetoacetate: This is the most common type of ketone. It is also the most stable and can be used for energy by the body.
  • Beta-hydroxybutyrate: This is the second most common type of ketone. It is also a stable ketone and can be used for energy by the body.
  • Acetone: This is the least common type of ketone. It is not as stable as the other two ketones and is usually excreted in the urine.


When you buy a ketone supplement, it will either be ketone salts or esters. Ketone salts help get your body into ketosis more easily and quickly. Ketone esters are more effective at raising ketone levels and may have other benefits like better cognition and athletic performance.


When it comes to MTE’s formulation, the adaptogens you’ll find in our wellness drink are:


  • Ashwagandha: Clinical evidence supports ashwagandha’s use for energy, mood, stress resilience, immunity, and better recovery at night.
  • Maca: Clinical evidence supports maca’s use for energy, mood, cognition, memory, endurance, and libido.
  • Holy Basil: Clinical evidence supports the use of the tulsi adaptogen for GI support, mood, energy, immune function, and stress resilience.
  • Eleuthero: Clinical evidence supports the use of Siberian ginseng for immunity, athletic performance, peace of mind, heart health, blood sugar, and aging.
  • Chicory Root: Clinical evidence supports chicory roots abilities for immune support, digestive health, anti-microbial properties, liver protection, and anti-inflammatory action.


These work together with 8 other potent nootropics and nutrient-packed superfoods to offer rounded support for your health, which helps you feel better from the inside out. Plus, because they work on a systemic level, the effects of adaptogens and nootropics accumulate. Have a drink of MTE for 30 days straight and you’ll likely start to notice the benefits build over time.



What Does it Cost to Add MTE or Ketones to Your Daily Routine?

MTE is a powder mix that comes in a bag of 30 servings and is meant as a daily energy supplement. A one-time-purchase comes to $2.33 per day. If you get a monthly subscription, you get 15% off, so the cost is $1.98 per day. Shipping is always free.


Ketones can be very affordable or very expensive. In general, ketone salts are cheaper than ketone esters, but they’re also less potent than esters. For a month’s supply of ketone salts, you’ll pay anywhere from $20-$50. For esters, it’s more like $50-$100. 


Other Highlights

Some Last Fast Facts on MTE

You might be wondering if there’s a catch to MTE, especially when you can get ketones anywhere on the market. What’s so special about us?


We’ve already discussed our different take on energy and our belief in the fact that wellness is about more than just feeling awake and aware – it’s about a positive mood, solid nighttime recovery, balanced systems, and healthy habits. MTE, as opposed to energy-focused supplements and drinks, is simply another healthy habit that’ll boost your day-to-day.


Some final specs on MTE:


  • Low caffeine (50mg per serving, or half a cup of coffee)
  • Vegan 
  • Keto 
  • Halal
  • Kosher
  • Organic
  • Gluten-free
  • No animal byproducts
  • No added sugar or artificial sweeteners
  • No artificial flavors or colors
  • No preservatives


In all, there’s no reason you can’t try ketones or MTE to see if they give you the boost you need. And there’s also no reason you can’t try them together! Ketones and MTE, when used according to directions and at the approval of your PCP, can work in tandem to help you reach your health goals.


Learn more about our formulation and check out your new go-to, feel-good green drink.

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