MTE’s Thermogenic Vibes: A Healthy Metabolism Boost Sans Stimulants

4 minute read


Metabolic health is all-important, as your metabolism affects every process in your body. When your body can process sugar, induce fat-burning processes, and activate muscle activity correctly, your heart, mind, lungs, bones, guts – literally everything – works better.

Metabolic disorders are on the rise, all to do with the obesity epidemic. Understanding healthy ways to support metabolism and boost fat loss are more important than ever. Luckily, MTE can help. Whether you’re looking to make your workouts more efficient or searching for that first step to take on your fitness journey, our caffeine-free energy and wellness drink might help you get into that elusive thermogenic space a bit easier.

An advanced blend of 11 powerful adaptogens, nootropics and superfoods, each of these products of nature bears many talents. A few lean toward metabolic health, with a body of scientific evidence to indicate they really might change your metabolism for the better. Let’s look at the fat-burning factors of some of the key ingredients in MTE:

Paraxanthine May Increase Calorie-Burn.

Paraxanthine is a naturally-occurring metabolite of caffeine, making up about 80% of caffeine byproducts. It’s got all the good of caffeine without that 20% bad, meaning you get increased metabolism, energy and focus, and no jitters, crash, or sleep disturbance. In clinical settings, recent studies indicate paraxanthine may:

·         Increase muscle activity and body temperature (signals of thermogenesis) without increasing anxiety or blood sugar.

·         Increases physical performance, strength and muscle mass while decreasing bad cholesterol and increasing good cholesterol.

·         Increase calorie burn and fat oxidation without increasing blood pressure or perceived stress.

These studies also found paraxanthine did not cause side effects at high doses, increase cortisol levels or disturb sleep patterns the way caffeine does. In addition, benefits were observed at doses as low as 50mg – good luck getting that with caffeine.

Eleuthero May Improve Endurance.

Also known as Siberian ginseng, eleuthero is a hairy little root with adaptogenic, antioxidant and nootropic capabilities. Studies indicate it acts on several systems and components associated with metabolism, and the World Health Organization acknowledges its ability to enhance mental and physical capacity.

Fun fact: Russian troops regularly used panax ginseng as a performance booster. When the ginseng shortage hit in the 20th century, they searched for a ginseng-like solution when they stumbled upon eleuthero. And the research indicates eleuthero likely:

·         Promotes fat oxidation during exercise.

·         Improves athletic performance under stressful conditions, including VO2 max, work time and time to exhaustion.

·         Increases fat loss and fat metabolism as well as encouraging the generation of new muscle tissue.

·         Increases FFA plasma levels (sign of thermogenesis), physical performance and metabolic efficiency without increasing glucose levels.

These studies looked at regular consumption of eleuthero for anywhere from 2 to 8 weeks, which illustrates why we recommend using MTE’s daily wellness powder for at least 30 days before deciding exactly what it does (or doesn’t) do for you. Adaptogens work at a systemic level, so you have to give them time to make those adjustments to your body’s systems.

Ashwagandha May Prevent Weight Gain.

A prized adaptogen for 6000+ years, ashwagandha offers a host of health benefits. Countless studies have explored ashwagandha’s ability to act on different enzymatic processes in the body. One of the byproducts of some of this activity seems to be increased metabolism. Recent studies indicate ashwagandha likely:

·         Prevents the formation of new fat cells.

·         Increases mitochondrial activity in muscle cells, which leads to faster metabolism and improved physical performance.

·         Protects against high-fat diets and diet-related obesity by reducing oxidative stress, insulin resistance and inflammation.

The rate at which you burn calories isn’t just about getting your heart rate up or inducing thermogenesis. Ashwagandha is a useful tool for setting the stage by making your metabolic processes more efficient. When lipid storage, use and levels are streamlined, inflammation is reduced and blood sugar is balanced, it takes your body from a gunked-up, clunky V4 engine to a sleek, super-smooth V8.

Spirulina May Prevent Fat Accumulation.

A blue algae and MVP of superfoods, spirulina is older than literally every single thing on this earth… except all the other algae. And it has used that time to become one of the most useful, multifaceted dietary resources on the planet. One of its many, many talents is metabolic support, and recent studies indicate spirulina can:

·         Prevent fat storage and weight gain effects of high-fat diets.

·         Inhibit the creation of new fat cells and induce thermogenesis.

·         Reduce body weight and fat accumulation in the bloodstream.

Researchers are also discovering spirulina is particularly useful as a workout companion. In a study on obese adults, HIIT training combined with spirulina supplementation significantly improved fat metabolism and cardiometabolic health more than HIIT or spirulina alone. This one’s a great illustration of why MTE is best used as a companion to a healthy lifestyle – it’s all about synergy.

MTE is Your Metabolism’s New BFF

Whether you’re already a fitness buff or someone looking to get healthier and stay that way, anything you can do to boost that effort (in a healthy way) will only encourage you to go farther in reaching your health goals. It’s a cold, hard fact that high BMI, fatty diets and sedentary lifestyles are major contributors to rates of disease and death. Why not safeguard your best efforts with safe, healthy alternatives to caffeine and other stimulants?

Fitness isn’t just about fitting in your high school jeans; it’s about whole-body health. By supporting a healthy metabolism, you also support healthy cholesterol, blood sugar, heart function, cognition, mood, and more. And in this high-stress, too-busy culture, where the temptation to eat trash and sit down is sometimes overwhelming, every healthy habit helps. Why not make MTE’s metabolism-boosting wellness drink one of them?

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